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Budgetary radio tape recorder Samsung STA--500/500g

Audiotechnics circuits
16 years ago

Scheme of radio tape recorder Samsung STA-500/500g

Name:Scheme of radio tape recorder Samsung STA-500/500g
Description of schematic diagram, service manual:Radio tape recorder Samsung STA-500/500G represents model with the minimal set of functions. It consists from two-band (AM, FM) the receiver with manual adjustment and one-cassette recorder decks. Record on a magnetic tape is possible both from the receiver, and with built in electret a microphone. The amplifier of capacity - stereophonic with target capacity 2x1 Wt. Sound heads are built in the case of a radio tape recorder.

In archive schemes are resulted:
 1) Basic scheme of a radio tape recorder;
 2) Arrangement of elements.
Download count:6114
File size:303 Кб
Adding date:25.02.2008
Download schematic diagram, service manual:

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